Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Well, I haven't been a very dedicated blogger, now have I? I've been doing alright, with the book diet, I think I am going to implement a new rule of 2 out, 1 in. Once I use patterns from 2 books, I am allowed to buy another one. I haven't really stuck completely to the book diet, but since the diet began I've only bought 3 new books, which is a lot better than I was doing in the past.
Along the same theme, I'm going to also implement a stash diet. I sent an email request to join the stashalong, but the person who runs it only adds new people the first of the month, and I'd like to set down my goals and start my stash diet before that. As of today, July 17th, I am joing the stashalong for 3 months, until October 17th. I will allow myself one free day a month, with a rule- I can only buy yarn for no more than one *specific* project (ie, no yarn just because) and yarn to complete projects I've started from the stash. I'm also not going to allow myself a free day til I have reduced the stash by a bit. I've been working on using up my peaches and creme cotton collection on dishtowels, I am down from 2 ziploc bags to just one, and I'd like to get that one used as well. I also ordered yarn from knitpicks for 2 sweaters recently, so I'd like to finish those. I also have a sweater and a shrug that have been languishing on the needles for awhile. I am also 1 repeat and the edging away from being done a shetland triangle. I need to make a dent in all that before I get a free day, so I may skip my free day for the first month.
My over all goal for myself is to finish these WIPs, and also, most importantly, to reduce the stash and then start only purchasing yarn for specific projects.
If I do well, I may join for a few more months, but as of now I'm going to see how it goes.